Biocides For Europe
General Assembly
The General Assembly is the supreme body of Biocides for Europe. It is composed of all the Members and Associate Members.
The General Assembly defines the general policy, sets objectives and directs the activities of Biocides for Europe.

Management Committee
The Management Committee is the executive body of Biocides for Europe with the mission of implementing the policy established by the General Assembly.
The Management Committee functions as the managerial platform for all activities within Biocides for Europe. It monitors the development, implementation and evaluation of policies and actions as approved by the General assembly and it ensures the day to day work of the scientific and technical working groups.

Working Groups
In order to fulfil the objectives of Biocides for Europe, the Management Committee may set up Working Groups to fulfil specific purposes. These review regulatory, technical and scientific issues to advise and assist the Management Committee.
The Horizontal Groups monitor and contribute to the horizontal discussions related directly or indirectly with the implementation of the Biocides legislation. These groups interact with the European Commission, ECHA and Competent Authorities.
The Sector-specific Working Groups focus on the regulatory, scientific and technical issues relevant for specific sectors or product types.
The Scientific Working Groups are a mirror of the ECHA BPC WGs that discuss technical and scientific challenges in the implementation of the BPR. These groups interact with ECHA and Competent Authorities.